Sunday, April 28, 2013

Honoring The Girl in the Yellow Scarf

     Carol Marie Jenkins would have turned 66-years old this month.  Unfortunately the year she officially became an adult, she became a murder victim.  

     It's hard to imagine what Carol's life would be like today if she had been allowed to choose a career  and/or marriage.  Where would she have settled down, how would she have impacted her community, and if she had lived, what would she want for the next generation?   Unfortunately, we'll never know the answers to those questions.  But in the 21-years that Carol lived we do know she loved people, she desired to achieve more than the status quo of her day, and she was willing to venture out to seek change.  And because of that I believe Carol would be thrilled to see girls dreaming big dreams  and rising up as women to take on leadership roles unlike anything imaginable in the '60's.    I believe she would applaud a cooperating spirit, helping to bridge gaps between those who are different.  And I believe she would find satisfaction knowing a single voice can speak truth to the world and bring healing.

    Happy Birthday to "The Girl in the Yellow Scarf"